As if there was any doubt of Twitters influence in the modern world, it has extended its reach into policy deliberation. Senator Charles Shumer (D-NY) tweeted “Tks w/ @SpeakerBoehner were going well- serious budget cuts discussed until Tea Party forced him 2 move goalposts [Tea Party] is only obstacle 2 deal.” Shortly after Congressman Eric Cantor (R-VA) tweeted right back “If @SenatorReid @ChuckSchumer force gov to partially shut down b/c they oppose sensible spending cuts, Americans will hold them accountable.”
Both Shumer and Cantor want to avoid a government shutdown but they have different visions in mind for the spending cuts and tax increases involved that would avert that crisis. I truly hope that both sides reach an agreement because my pay would be suspended and more importantly it would solidify what we already believe about congress: They are stubborn, incompetent fools who can't reach a solution on anything.